Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines 2022

The purpose of bean to cup coffee machines is described by their name.

These are handy kitchen appliances that will enable you to make extremely fresh coffee with ease.

As the name suggests, a machine that has the ability to grind fresh beans and pour the drink straight into your cup will do this.

The most important thing to note here is the freshness, as there won’t be any time wasted to bring about the evaporation of some of the natural flavourful oils of the bean. The lack of this is a major flaw of almost every other type of machine out there.

If you need further information on these machines, we’ll discuss this a little bit later. But first, we need to find the best model that’s associated with top quality and an excellent value for money.

In order to find this for you, we’ve carried out extensive research. As a consequence, we’ve listed and reviewed the

top 3 models. In addition to this, we’ve also found 3 more products that are associated with an affordable price tag but still offer an excellent level of performance.

Comparison Table

De’Longhi ECAM44.660.B Eletta145022
Sage by Heston Blumenthal the Barista Express185022
De’Longhi Magnifica ESAM420014501.82
Andrew James AJ00057510502.832
Igenix IG8225 12-Cup10501.52
Andrew James 1100 Watt Digital Filter11001.82

Top 3 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines in the UK

1. DeLonghi ECAM44.660.B Eletta

4.8 Stars (4.8 / 5)

This De’Longhi bean to cup coffee machine is amazing to use but is quite expensive.

Before even talking about this model in detail, I’m sure you’re well aware that DeLonghi is one of the most reliable brands when it comes to coffee machines and other similar appliances. The ECAM44.660.B Eletta in particular is probably the ultimate bean coffee machine you can buy nowadays. This means that it would be a perfect alternative to a professional/commercial machine.

In terms of the size and appearance, this model really does stand out. It looks very nice due to the sleek and slim design. The size isn’t huge or small but the design still makes it seem quite compact. I’m sure it’ll look great in any kitchen. As you can expect from such a premium product, the durability is superb and everything seems to be made from high quality materials including parts like the drip tray, which is made from stainless steel. This certainly gives off a great look and an expensive stature.

If you’re a massive coffee enthusiast then you’re going to absolutely love the Eletta. This is because you can control almost every setting while you make your hot drink. This includes the strength, the temperature and the level of bean grinding. The temperature also goes a lot higher than any other machine I’ve come across.

In terms of the coffee, the Eletta really is perfect. It makes all kinds to perfection and with ease. The taste is absolutely remarkable! In addition to this, there is a memory function through which you can save the settings you used to create the perfect drink. The milk frother is a major advantage associated with this model. This produces foam that’s very consistent and is the best that I’ve seen so far. Furthermore, it cleans itself after use, which means that it can be associated with a great degree of convenience.

As always, I did notice some minor issues with the Eletta. Firstly, the bean compartment is integrated into the machine so the amount left must be checked manually. Alongside this, the coffee is also made according to the size of the cup rather than millilitres and this might be an issue for some more than others.

All in all, the Eletta is fantastic, makes great tasting coffee – quickly and easily. It looks incredible but can be considered quite big by some people though I would say that it’d stand out wherever you kept it. The only issue is that it’s quite expensive and some of that cost may be due to the milk frother, which to be honest is quite good. However, not many will need this feature and will make the purchase according to these type of personal requirements.

2. Sage by Heston Blumenthal the Barista Express

4.6 Stars (4.6 / 5)

The Barista Express is arguably the best bean to cup coffee machine out on the market right now.

The Barista Express is on a similar level to the Eletta though it is a little more difficult to use. At this moment in time, it’ll also cost you a little bit more.

Despite this, the Barista Express is a high-end product that looks like a commercial machine. Just like the Eletta, we also get a grinder with several settings through which you can adjust the size of the bean. An additional feature will also allow you to manually grind the beans according to your specific requirements. This would be perfect for those that want complete control though it can also make things complicated for those that just want a cup of delicious coffee.

In terms of the overall appearance, this is an extremely high quality product. It certainly looks the part and feels like it’s been built very well indeed. All the materials used to make this are of excellent quality. No wonder it’s expensive as it is. Just like the Eletta, the Barista Express will also stand out wherever you keep it. It’s quite bulky yet elegant and is also available in two different colours – black and silver.

As you would expect, you can experiment with the settings in almost every way. Whether this is the pressure gauge, steam wand or temperature, you’ll have complete control over the Barista Express. The good news is that you can expect to make an amazing cup with this product. However, the bad news is that you’ll probably need a bit of practice before you get to this point. But again, the feeling of experimenting with their coffee and altering the taste according to this might appeal to some enthusiasts.

In other areas, this is a terrific model that will perform brilliantly well. For example, the steam wand prepares the milk impressively well. By using this you’ll be able to get a creamy and consistent texture with a good amount of froth on top.

3. DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM4200

4.5 Stars (4.5 / 5)

The De’Longhi Magnifica ESAM4200 is an affordable coffee machine and works very well.

When compared to the previous two models, the Magnifica by DeLonghi is a far cheaper alternative to premium bean to cup machines. It costs less than half the amount the other two would cost and while the quality is likely to suffer, the Magnifica isn’t too far behind.

One main aspect that does suffer is that of the built quality. Plastic has mostly been used to construct though this seems to be of good quality and the build quality doesn’t feel too bad. On top of that, stainless steel has also been used for certain features such as the milk frother.

Other than this, the machine looks quite good and does feel like a premium model though not as much as the highest-end products we’ve just talked about. While it looks decent, it’s also a bit bulky and will take up more space than the Eletta.

It also has several features that will provide a bit of convenience for you. For example, you get a built-in grinder and an extremely simple user interface that can allow you to operate the machine with one touch of a button.

It also has a self-cleaning system that will automatically rinse the parts after use. The Magnifica is easy to use and has several features that will allow you to take control of the overall taste. This includes the ability to adjust the bean grinder settings for stronger or weaker flavour in your cup.

In general, I found that this model does make a great cup of coffee though you make need a little bit of practice when it comes to creating the perfect cup. The good thing about this model is that it’s very simple to use, it’s reliable and it’s a far better alternative to using an automatic espresso machine that uses pods. The only issue I had was the noise, which can be on the high side but this was a minor problem.

Top 3 Cheap Bean to Cup Coffee Machines to Buy

1. Andrew James AJ000575

4.4 Stars (4.4 / 5)

This Andrew James coffee maker features an integrated coffee grinder.

As you can see, when it comes to coffee bean machines, the more you spend the better results you’ll get. Unfortunately the premium models can cost around half a grand.

Being unable to afford this doesn’t mean that you can’t get quality. There are always products that perform better than what their price tag would have you believe.

One such model is the Andrew James AJ000575. While you can’t expect this to compete against heavyweight, premium commercial machines, you can still expect it to make a good cup of coffee by using fresh beans.

This is exactly what we experienced with the AJ000575. It’s extremely affordable, associated with great quality and doesn’t feel cheap. The build quality is quite sturdy and the product looks quite nice too.

You’ll have some form of control over the final cup due to several adjustable settings including the size of the grounds and the overall strength. One advantage of this product is that you can use it with beans and also grounds. The AJ000575 also has the ability to carry out the brewing process on an automatic setting.

While the machine is quite easy to use, it does need to be cleaned quite regularly and doesn’t come with a self-rinsing function. It can also be quite loud. Despite these drawbacks, the price is literally unbeatable!

2. Igenix IG8225 12-Cup

4.2 Stars (4.2 / 5)

The Igenix IG8225 Bean to Cup Coffee Maker features a 12 cup 1.5 L capacity.

If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to the premium models we’ve just discussed then the Igenix IG8225 is exactly what you need. It’s an automatic coffee maker that looks great and has been built very well. It also comes with a 2-year warranty so you don’t need to worry if anything goes wrong.

It can produce at least 12 cups and would be suitable for a large family gathered together on a Saturday afternoon. You’ll be able to use fresh beans or even pre-ground coffee. The capacity for the beans is also quite large and definitely convenient.

There are some similar features to the models that we’ve already spoken about. The Igenix IG8225 has an auto shut-off function alongside a warming feature. There’s also a grinder integrated and this functions very well due to the auto feature.

The machine itself is simple to use and has a very user-friendly interface. You can control various settings and make your cup of coffee exactly as you like. This includes changing things like the strength of the flavour. Despite this, you shouldn’t expect to make the best tasting cup on your first go. Make sure you adjust the settings according to the taste and I’m sure you’ll perfect everything in no time at all.

This is a very good product and if you look at the price and some of the features, you’ll realize that this is an ideal alternative for some of the more expensive premium products discussed above.

3. Andrew James 1100 Watt Digital Filter

4.0 Stars (4.0 / 5)

This Andrew James coffee maker is cheap and makes a very nice cup of coffee.

This model is the cheapest one that I’ve come across and it certainly doesn’t cost that much at all. Obviously due to the extremely inexpensive price tag, we shouldn’t expect anything brilliant.

If you set realistic expectations then this product will impress you. It’ll allow you to make freshly brewed drinks whenever you wish. It has a programmable timer, which means that you’ll be able to time exactly when the machine makes the cup of coffee. This can be advantageous if you have a specific daily routine.

In terms of the appearance, you’re looking at a decent looking machine. It does look a bit old school when compared to the modern premium machines but it’s still an automatic model It’ll still do the job and to be fair, it’ll probably stand out from your other appliances too.

The build quality seems to be good too and it comes with a 2-year warranty provided by Andrew James.

In terms of performance, this is a large capacity model and has the ability to make up to 15 cups. The coffee made is usually very hot so this satisfies the aspect of temperature.

In addition to this, the taste is great and it feels very fresh. For this reason, for anyone who has a low budget, you’ll ultimately be pleased if you place your confidence into this particular product. After all, spending around 20 quid is absolutely nothing for such a high quality product.

What should you expect?

These detailed bean to cup coffee machine reviews should help you to make an informed decision.

When intending to make a fresh and flavourful coffee from the comfort of your home, a bean to coffee machine is a must. However, there are several factors that you should consider before buying the right one. You must also take account of the associated advantages and disadvantages before forking out a couple of hundred pounds for this type of appliance.

The most important factor to consider is probably the budget. Some people look out for high quality while others set a fixed budget that will prevent them from overspending. Regardless of which group you fall into, you’ll have a choice between a huge number of products.

We have reviewed the best models in both groups and this means that you can literally take a pick and not end up being disappointed.

In addition to the cost, you should also consider factors such as durability, size and appearance. All of these will be personal decisions for you!

Before making the purchase, it’s also extremely important to understand what you’ll be getting with these machines and what their benefits and drawbacks will be.

As mentioned previously, a bean to cup maker will allow you to make a cup of coffee directly from the bean. This will allow for the incorporation of more flavour and freshness due to the preservation of the natural oils of the bean. In addition to this, these appliances are also supposed to be very easy to use without creating any fuss. This means that you can also expect an experience with very little mess.

However, there are also some issues that you need to take account of. For example, you’ll notice that these machines are quite bulky and this might cause some problems if you don’t have too much space in your kitchen. Obviously, the best thing to do would be to look for a more compact model though this might be associated with lower quality.

In addition to this, some of the best quality products can be very expensive. Thankfully, our top 3 affordable models should allow you to pick the final product according to your budget.


When it comes to coffee, most of us probably haven’t even tasted the real deal yet. If you want to enjoy the real taste, you need to make the freshest cup of coffee possible and the best way to do this is through the use of fresh beans.

The fresh taste and creamy flavour usually comes from natural oils that are located deep within the coffee bean. With most brewing methods, these oils are rapidly degraded once the bean has been ground. The machines listed above will allow you to preserve this and incorporate the true flavour into your cup of coffee.

After looking at a wide variety of products, we’ve listed and reviewed the top performing products. All of these performed brilliantly within their price ranges.

If you’re looking to buy the highest-end model then the Eletta really impressed us. However, on the opposite end of the pricing scale, the Andrew James model did very well too.

Obviously, you’ll get what you spend and this will depend entirely on your budget. If you don’t need anything fancy and aren’t bothered with a premium model then the Andrew James machine will do the job perfectly!